NYU Path Forward Internship

Program Overview

Clear Direction Mentoring has partnered with labs and departments at NYU Grossman School of Medicine to offer paid full-time summer research internships for undergraduate students. In addition to research experience in the lab, students will receive academic and career development workshops and support from CDM throughout the program.

Applications for Summer 2025 are now open!

  • The application deadline is Sunday, March 2, 2025 at 11:59 PM EST

  • The program dates will be June 30 - August 8, 2025

  • This program requires a full-time commitment. You will be expected to be in your lab approximately 9 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday for the duration of the internship

What you will receive as an intern:

  • - The opportunity to conduct research in a state-of-the-art lab at NYU, mentored by professors, graduate students, and postdocs who are passionate about science and mentorship

  • - A stipend for the duration of the internship

  • - A NYC MetroCard for commuting to and from your internship

  • - Some fun CDM branded swag such as backpacks, hoodies, notebooks, etc

  • - Weekly professional development workshops to enhance your experience including scientific writing, resume/CVs, interview skills, professionalism, personal statement essays, career planning, and more

  • - Opportunities to network with other students, researchers, and STEMM professionals through lunches, panels, and seminars

  • - Weekly lunches and an end-of-summer celebration dinner with your fellow CDM summer interns and alumni interns


  • Must be a full-time college student in the fall semester immediately following the summer internship

  • Must live in the greater NYC area and be able to commute to NYU Grossman School of Medicine

  • Must be interested in conducting full-time research in a biomedical research lab during the summer

  • Must fill out an application

This internship is targeted at undergraduate students looking for their first-time research experience. All students are invited to apply, but priority will be given to candidates with little or no prior research experience. We highly encourage students from historically underrepresented groups to apply.

CDM alumni make an impact on the world

Interested in mentoring a summer intern?

If your lab or department is interested in mentoring a highly motivated summer intern in summer 2025, we want to work with you! Clear Direction Mentoring is recruiting labs to host summer interns for 6 weeks between June 30 - August 8, 2024.

Clear Direction Mentoring will:

  • Recruit exceptionally motivated URM undergraduate students with limited research experience. Interns are selected from a highly competitive pool of applicants passionate about gaining experience in STEMM

  • Provide summer interns with academic and career development workshops, social events, and other support throughout the duration of the internship

  • Provide training opportunities and resources to host labs targeted at educating mentors on inclusive practices for URM trainees

Labs and Departments will provide:

  • A spot in your lab for a summer intern

  • A designated point-person who will supervise the summer intern

  • A stipend for each summer intern

If you are interested in taking an early-stage undergraduate intern next summer, please contact us by filling out this form or emailing cleardirectionmentoring@gmail.com.